
Aäton connection 1Trained at the Louis Lumière School in Paris, Philippe Lavalette made his start as a cinematographer in the world of experimental films, most notably with “l’Ange” (Patrick Bokanowski, 1982), a visual poem of great delicacy for which he received a Caméra d’Or nomination at Cannes.

His interests then turned to science, and in association with the CNRS, the French research institute, he directed and photographed a number of scientific film projects.

On his arrival in Quebec, Lavalette applied his skills to a series of groundbreaking personal documentaries, including “Les Enfants du Refus Global” and “De mémoire de chats – Les ruelles” of Manon Barbeau, Prix Gémeau 2005 for best photography, or “La Griffe Magique” and “Visionaries” of Carlos Ferrand, for which he was awarded the prize for best cinematography at Hot Docs in Toronto.

Lavalette has frequently adapted his documentary approach to fiction, and his innovative style has contributed to the unusual nature of a number of feature films and films for television. We need only cite “Les Pots Cassés” of François Bouvier, “Hugo and the Dragon” of Philippe Baylaucq, and more recently “La Brunante” of Fernand Dansereau and “Le Ring” of Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette selected at Plus Camerimage (Lodz, Polaud) prestigious festival dedicated to cinematography. He has also contributed to series such as “Alys Robi,” “Gypsies,” “Bâtisseurs d’eau,” “États-Humains 1 and 2” as well as “Warrior Women” and “True Horror” for the Discovery Channel (with ratings of more than 25 million viewers).

Besides his nomination for a Caméra d’Or at Cannes, Lavalette has several times received Gemini awards and nominations for best cinematography.

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